product, design and code

February 18, 2023

"Product, Design and Code" – these three elements form the fundamental triad in the creation of digital products. My journey through various roles and organizations has led me to a pivotal realization: while tools like Figma and design methodologies are crucial, the ultimate source of truth in product development is the code. This is because what users interact with daily is not the design mockups or prototypes, but the actual coded product. This understanding becomes even more critical in an early-stage environment, where agility and efficiency are paramount.

Bridging Design and Development

The code is what lives and breathes in the user's world. It's what they interact with, what shapes their experience, and what ultimately determines the success of a product. The challenge, then, is to bridge the gap between design and development in a way that respects both disciplines while acknowledging the primacy of code. In an early-stage company, where resources are limited and the product is evolving rapidly, this bridge is not just a convenience; it's a necessity.

One effective approach is to use the actual product screens – essentially screenshots of user-facing elements – as a starting point for design updates or new features. This method ensures that design decisions are grounded in the reality of what users are currently experiencing.

Production-Driven Design Process

This production-driven design process starts with capturing parts of the existing product that need improvement or expansion. These screenshots then serve as the base for design iterations. Designers work directly on these images, proposing changes or additions. This approach has several advantages:

  1. Realistic Context: Designers are working with the actual interface elements that users see, ensuring that proposals are grounded in reality.
  2. Efficient Communication: When designers and developers discuss changes based on the actual product screens, there's less room for misinterpretation. It bridges the often-encountered gap between how something is envisioned in a design tool and how it's implemented in code.
  3. Rapid Iteration: In an early-stage environment, where changes need to be implemented quickly, this method allows for faster turnaround from design to development.
  4. Focus on User Experience: By starting with the current user interface, the team continually focuses on improving the user experience, rather than getting caught up in abstract design concepts.

The Evolving Role of Design Tools

This approach doesn't diminish the role of design tools; instead, it repositions them. Tools like Figma become a part of a larger ecosystem centered around the code. They are used for what they excel at – facilitating creativity, collaboration, and communication – but always with an understanding that they are a step in the journey, not the destination.


Design decisions are always aligned with the user's reality, fostering a product development process that is truly user-centric.