Grinta offers an innovative solution for sportswear retailers, facilitating the deployment and maintenance of multi e-shop platforms for amateur sports clubs.
to achieve that, grinta's strategy has been to create the most specialized and reliable retail destination for athletes, while helping amateur club volunteers manage their team apparel on a day-to-day basis.
e-commerce platform
I was the lead designer working on developing the strategy for the e-commerce platform. The goal of the project was to create a synergistic experience between for club members, ultimately increasing value to both platforms.

club manager dashboard
I designed and participated in coding the club manager dashboard and customer e-commerce platform for both mobile and desktop. I led another product designer and we worked closely with the engineering team.

marketing website
As the sole designer, I was responsible for creating and coding marketing materials, such as the website, in collaboration with the go-to-market team.

component system
I led the component system project, aiming to bridge the gap between code and design, creating a cohesive and reusable design language for our teams, in close collaboration with the product designer and the engineering team.